A Project of Yad Voezer Ltd


Residential Homes

Four Residential Homes for people with learning disabilities who require full-time support.

Day Programs

Numerous activities and outings for residents and non-residents from the local community

Fun Activities

Providing fun occasions throughout the year including memorable weekend getaways

Social Connections

Arranging vibrant social activities that create bonds that last a lifetime with a sense of belonging

About us

How is it all started?

In 1978 a group of parents of Hackney learning disabled children set up a Charity to provide improved services for their children.

At that time there was minimal support for these families and an enormous stigma attached to any people who were ‘different.’ Down’s Syndrome children were labelled ‘Mongols’ and there were few, if any services to help them or their parents.

This was the initiative of Zelda Landau, the mother of a disabled child, who has guided the Charity since its inception and she subsequently made this her life’s work. In 1992 she opened a therapy centre aimed at assisting and treating children and adults on the autistic spectrum and has been involved in support and education for hundreds of children and adults with learning disabilities from all over the world. She is currently a Senior Associate Member of the Royal Society of Medicine, London and continues to lead Helping Hand UK and Helping Hand Day Centre as its Executive Director with the assistance of a team of professional and dedicated staff.


Transforming Lives, Shaping Futures:
A Journey of Hope and Inclusion

is a testament to Helping Hand UK’s enduring commitment. From its humble beginnings in 1978, the charity has grown into a beacon of support, offering therapy, housing, vocational workshops, and community integration programs for individuals with learning disabilities.



Weekend club opened


Two National Lottery awards over 6 six years


Established Nursery using innovative Doman Delacato systems


1986 Fund raising committee set up with annual events


Opened second residential home, for men with learning disabilities


Opened second residential home, for men with learning disabilities


Survey in schools


Helping Hand was registered as a Charity


Opened office and employed support staff


Arranged training courses for parents and teachers about learning disability


Opened first residential home, for women with learning disabilities


Awarded Investors in People accreditation


Open Soap Making workshop
Achieving the Impossible

Helping Hand’s goals and commitments

Enhancing Residential Care Services

Improve quality of care in Residential Homes for people with learning disabilities. Ensure resident well-being, safety, and comfort. Update care practices, train staff, and collaborate with health and social care organizations.

Broadening Day Programs and Community Integration

Offer diverse activities at Helping Hand Day Centre. Collaborate with Hackney Council for community integration. Organize gardening, Sweet Factory work, sports, outings, and events for social interaction and skill development.

Expanding Supported Housing Projects

Increase availability of Supported Housing for those with milder learning disabilities. Secure funding, establish new projects, support residents' independence, and provide necessary care and services.

Enriching Fun Activities and Events

Enhance quality and frequency of fun activities. Organize bonfires, parties, and birthday celebrations. Invite community members for enjoyable experiences that foster social connections and a sense of belonging.
To Join our team or to donate please Contact us

See us in action

Experience our charity’s transformative impact through captivating images of individuals with learning disabilities. Witness joy, growth, and inclusive communities. Join us in celebrating compassion and resilience in this inspiring gallery.


In their own words


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)