Where we are dedicated to providing a comprehensive range of services for individuals with learning disabilities and their families. With decades of experience and a deep commitment to making a positive impact, we strive to empower and support individuals to live fulfilling lives.
Residential Homes
Providing full-time support and care for individuals with learning disabilities in a warm and inclusive living environment.
Supported Housing
Offering supported housing projects for individuals with milder learning disabilities and/or mental health challenges who are ready to live more independently.
Day Programs
Organizing a range of activities and outings at the Helping Hand Day Centre, including gardening, games, sports, working with animals and horticulture, woodwork, handicrafts, musical events, and outings.
Collaborating with Hackney Social Services to facilitate community integration projects, such as participating in gardening projects in parks and at Clapton Pond.
Fun Activities and Special Occasions
Arranging fun occasions and events throughout the year, including a weekend away in a country house near Dover, bonfire and fancy-dress parties, and birthday celebrations for clients.
Education and Training
Providing training courses for parents and teachers about learning disabilities, promoting awareness and understanding within the community.
Coming soon bla bla bla
Community Engagement
Collaborating with Hackney Social Services to facilitate community integration projects, such as participating in gardening projects in parks and at Clapton Pond.